About Us
GEITA TRUST BRANDS LIMITED is a registered company in Tanzania founded with young Tanzanian with incorporation number 155232412 from 23rd February 2022 with the aim of improving community lives and financial well-being through various project like producing and distribution of ice blocks for fish preservations. Financial services, Providing basic life skills, and business management skill for everyone.
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Quality health care
Only Qualified Doctors
Medical Research Professionals
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Ice Production Branches
Ice Block Production Capacity
Our Services
We produce and distribute blocks of ice for fish preservation based in a market of fishers who lose about 30% of their income as a result of lacking better means of storing fish thus to help protect the financial well-being of traders in the fishing industry, here in Lake Zone.
Read MoreWe provide financial empowerment at low interest for the fish rotting challenge victims and community in general through our financial institution known as GEITA TRUST CREDIT SERVICES where fisherman and traders are empowered with money and facilities to improve their business and lives.
Read MoreMAARIFA KIGANJANI is an educational platform that brings together trainers and leaners with the aim of exchanging various skills and knowledge. Various people come together to learn the best way to run a business, learn life skills and many other knowledge. This platform provides a space for forum members to discuss different issues and different topics at their own time.
Read MoreWe develop various digital systems and websites for running and managing various developmental activities and then simplifying the monitoring of the trends of the relevant activities or businesses as well as advertising and brand promotion.
Read MoreErat ipsum justo amet duo et elitr dolor, est duo duo eos lorem sed diam stet diam sed stet.
Read MoreErat ipsum justo amet duo et elitr dolor, est duo duo eos lorem sed diam stet diam sed stet.
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Tempor erat elitr rebum at clita. Diam dolor diam ipsum sit. Aliqu diam amet diam et eos. Clita erat ipsum et lorem et sit, sed stet lorem sit clita duo justo erat amet
24 Hours
Tempor erat elitr rebum at clita. Diam dolor diam ipsum sit. Aliqu diam amet diam et eos. Clita erat ipsum et lorem et sit, sed stet lorem sit clita duo justo magna dolore erat amet
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Clita clita tempor justo dolor ipsum amet kasd amet duo justo duo duo labore sed sed. Magna ut diam sit et amet stet eos sed clita erat magna elitr erat sit sit erat at rebum justo sea clita.
Clita clita tempor justo dolor ipsum amet kasd amet duo justo duo duo labore sed sed. Magna ut diam sit et amet stet eos sed clita erat magna elitr erat sit sit erat at rebum justo sea clita.
Clita clita tempor justo dolor ipsum amet kasd amet duo justo duo duo labore sed sed. Magna ut diam sit et amet stet eos sed clita erat magna elitr erat sit sit erat at rebum justo sea clita.