30145 Nyankumbu, Geita, Tanzania
Mon - Sat : 08.00 AM - 09.00 PM
+255 (0) 752 122 476

What is the Impact

GEITA TRUST BRANDS LIMITED is a registered company in Tanzania founded with young Tanzanian with incorporation number 155232412 from 23rd February 2022 with the aim of producing and distribution of ice blocks for fish preservation based in a market of fishers who lose about 30% of their income as a result of lacking better means of storing fish. More than 4.5 million Tanzanians earn a living through various activities in the fishing industry, of which 102,293 Tanzanians are fishermen from Lake Victoria, and about 300,000 residents worth $ 140M per year from the lake Zone are engaged in the fish trade. Lake Victoria is the backbone of the fishing industry in our country as it has continued to prove this by contributing 55.54% of total harvest of fish in the country by producing 234,849.99 tons out of 422,859 tons harvested by the nation last year. Fish rotting challenges discourage fishermen and other traders in this important sector of the national economy and lead to a significant reduction in fish yields as between the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 financial years the national fish harvest decreased by 2.57% , this issue greatly affects the rate of economic growth in our country. Our goal is to attract 25% of this market. (Source ministry of livestock and fisheries). Our vision is to become leading ice blocks distributer company and reach 25% of fish trader during 2030. Geita trust brands limited has various impacts on society including lowering the poverty rate, unemployment rate and triggers economic growth in the society. We surveyed and realize that usage of ice blocks would be better solution that any fish trader can deploy in fish storage since it can be used depending on the amount of fish a trader has. We have also introduced financial empowerment at low interest for the fish rotting challenge victims through our financial institution known as GEITA TRUST CREDIT SERVICES where fisherman and traders are empowered with money and facilities to improve their business. We give our customer’s protection to their fish from rotting, and avoid the risk that leads to the loss of their capitals. We offer them quality, sold and reliable products that last for long meet customer needs in any environmental situation, unlike competitors' products, customers like our ice more because it is clearly fresh, not mixed with chemicals or anything to make it last. Our product preserve fish without any changes, something that increase our customer’s loyalty. In order to improve our service and continue to strengthen our customer’s loyalty, we always deliver products on affordable price for free in delivery. Our business contributes to the production of various jobs for young people through the activity that the company goes through in production until it delivers its product to the market. Direct jobs start from our factory where there are jobs for machine operators, salesmen and distributors who distribute products to our sales centers, staff who do business management work in different departments such as accounting and marketing, and indirectly jobs includes the couriers who are used to deliver to customers.

Why Our Ice

Ice block Production And Distribution

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Money Lending

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Online Training

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Website and Software Development

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Dental Surgery

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